From a marketing point of view Facebook can seem like the ideal place to promote your business. Unlike most traditional forms of media, Facebook is bi-directional, so instead of just sending someone a one-way message, you can use it for things like research, brand building, customer service, finding new prospects as well as marketing.
The challenge of positioning your business
Most businesses find it difficult to say how they’re different from their competitors. Making those differences valuable to your customers is even more of a challenge. So is it worth the effort? The answer is obvious for those that are clear about their point of difference.
First question. Who are you?
Making the most of a marketing plan
Sales and marketing plans, when produced well, have the ability to dramatically improve your bottom line results. They can create more leads, drive greater sales from those leads, and even help you tailor your products to new and wider markets. Of course all of this relies on you actually following the plan.
Getting a good marketing plan
The important thing to be aware of with any sales and marketing plan is that it is not a promotional plan.