Take action on your business with our Advise and Act Programme.
Business owners are often seen to have the envious position of only having themselves to answer to. While this is one of the great things about running your own business, the reality is often that because you’re only answerable to yourself, it becomes easier to put off the things that really need to be done in the business. Good planning and process development often take a back seat to dealing with the here and now. The problem with this approach is that businesses often fail to get past a certain point, and don’t reach their full potential. In a corporate business, a board structure solves this issue by ensuring that the CEO stays focused on the growth plans, and other goals of the business, and takes steps each month to ensure the achievement of those goals.
We believe that small businesses need to consider the same type of support structure, by bringing together a group of individuals (it could be just two) to define the goals of a business, and then define the steps to be implemented each month in order to achieve them.
we’ll keep you on track with your marketing and business plans.
Our Advise and Act Programme aims to work with small business owners to help them focus on the goals of their business, and then meet with them each month to define the necessary steps to be taken each month. We discuss problems and opportunities, talk through future goals and explore any other business issues they’re dealing with. Then we work together to define the best way to proceed over the coming months, setting specific tasks and projects each month to keep you heading in the right direction.
As the name says, we’ll be your Right Hand Man.
Right Hand Man provide this support with staff who actually own and manage their own business, so they’re not just speaking from theory, but from actual experience. We understand the difficulty in managing multiple areas of a business, and the need to stay on top of the day to day, but we’ve also seen the benefit of focusing on your business to achieve a specific outcome. We’ll help keep you focused on the big picture for your business to ensure you achieve the outcomes that you want from your business.
Our services: