Effective Marketing Manager

Best Whiteboard


Tino Seismic

Whiteboard animation are videos that ‘draw themselves’, often used to explain what a company does. Tino Structures is a leading New Zealand structural engineering consultancy led by Dr John Jing, one of New Zealand’s top structural engineers. The consultancy also has a separate division: Tino Seismic. Tino Seismic specialises in the seismic assessment and retrofit design solutions for existing buildings to improve their New Building Standard (NBS) rating and ability to perform well in an earthquake.

We designed, built and wrote copy for both the Tino Structures and Tino Seismic websites. Content for the Tino Seismic site was extremely technical, and we had to work closely with Dr John to put this into terms that individuals other than engineers could understand.

One way to explain the services Tino Seismic offered, how these worked and why building owners and property manager needed them was through a whiteboard video.

It was a challenge to make sure the video wasn’t too technical, and we used case studies to help explain how Tino Seismic can improve a property’s NBS rating, save money and keep a building tenanted while retrofit work is carried out.

Other Effective Marketing Manager work we have completed includes Google Ads and dispatching a media release to engineering and architectural publications to tell the Tino Structures story. We have also just started a b2b Linkedin sponsored post. Future work will include branded merchandise and a ‘starter’ pack for property managers promoting John as the ‘Seismic Superhero’.


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